Upcoming events

Topeka Pharmacy 1st friday free vaccine clinic
Every first Friday of the month, Topeka Pharmacy is offering FREE vaccines for all adults. Vaccines available include shingles, pneumonia, flu, and COVID-19. Stop by and say hello and get a few vaccines to get back up-to-date.

Topeka Pharmacy 1st friday free vaccine clinic
Every first Friday of the month, Topeka Pharmacy is offering FREE vaccines for all adults. Vaccines available include shingles, pneumonia, flu, and COVID-19. Stop by and say hello and get a few vaccines to get back up-to-date.

Wells County 4H Vaccine Clinic
Located at: Wells County 4-H Community Center 1240 4-H Park Road
Bluffton, IN 46714
Come see us at our booth and receive some free vaccines! We will have flu, COVID-19, shingles, and pneumonia. Free to everyone!

LaGrange Senior Expo
Located at: Michiana Event Center 455 E Farver St, Shipshewana, IN 46565
Come see us at our booth and receive some free vaccines! We will have flu, COVID-19, shingles, and pneumonia. Free to everyone!

Parkview lagrange drive-by vaccine clinic
Parkview LaGrange Drive-by Vaccine Clinic!
We are offering 4 vaccines: pneumonia, COVID-19, flu, and shingles. Stop by to get your updated vaccines.

Topeka Pharmacy 1st friday free vaccine clinic
Every first Friday of the month, Topeka Pharmacy is offering FREE vaccines for all adults. Vaccines available include shingles, pneumonia, flu, and COVID-19. Stop by and say hello and get a few vaccines to get back up-to-date.